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Luke's work experience at Unboxed

Luke | July 2024

Before beginning work experience at Unboxed, I was unsure of how a typical workday at an agency would look and how I would fit in. By the end of the week, I feel I have grown massively in both my understanding of a work environment and my software development skills.

Getting started

At the beginning of the week, I met Hugh, an intern and Ben, a senior developer who explained the planning applications map they were working on. They taught me how the code and development environment worked. I was unfamiliar with the language and setup they were using, but with their help I managed to adapt to it fairly quickly. The first day ended with a meeting, looking at user needs for the project. This helped me get a sense of how things operate in a working environment. It also allowed me to identify how I could contribute to the project by tackling one of the needs.

Learning about coding, challenges and collaboration

On Tuesday I started working on adding a new feature to filter the results by certain conditions. While I ran into some challenges with handling an unfamiliar programming language, the clear plan I had from the prior meeting helped me stay on track. I also took part in a design meeting. We looked at case studies of corporations rebrands to find what made them successful so that we could identify features and principles that would help this agency. I found looking at a new discipline interesting and learned that it is important to keep informed on all aspects of a project's development (even if I wasn’t going to be involved in them). Having an understanding of what the team is trying to achieve makes collaboration clearer and more effective.

On Wednesday, I built on the work I had done by doing some front end development so that my features could actually be used by a potential client. Because I had no experience in this area, I inevitably ran into issues. From talking to the team, I got support in fixing errors and realised that running into obstacles is a part of the process. This not only helped me with my technical skills, as I was learning a whole new side of coding, but it gave me a better perspective on working on a project. I now understood that problems shouldn’t be met with frustration but instead a positive attitude.

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Having overcome the issues from Wednesday, I found that I made large amounts of progress on Thursday. Making my contributions to the project functional and accessible to a user.

The main thing I got out of this day was a deeper understanding of the collaborative and development process.

During a meeting I gave input, explaining what I had implemented. During discussions about the project, I saw how beneficial it was to communicate clearly with your team so that there is an understanding of how far everyone has progressed and ways we can make further improvements. This meeting made me understand that clear planning and communication is a side of coding and development that is imperative to make a project successful.

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What I’ve learned

Overall, I have found my time here to be massively enjoyable. It has also been beneficial to my ability to develop and collaborate as I have been exposed to industry standard practice for development. And I have been given meaningful and challenging tasks to undertake. From talking with the team here at Unboxed, I have found out how I can further develop to succeed in software development and I’ve gained more confidence when it comes to working in a professional environment.


Keen to get experience?

At Unboxed, we are always happy to welcome new talent looking for work experience. If you are interested service design or digital product development, send us an enquiry today.